External Affairs


Below you will find so many amazing opportunities to attend various events, conferences and competitions from both clubs within the Lazaridis community as well as at business schools all across Canada!
As you attend these events, we want to hear from you and recognize your experience and achievements. Check out our golden students below and make sure to submit an application if you want to see yourself on the website too!
For those Laurier students that attend external events, be sure to check out the subsidy information below to see if you’re eligible to apply. For external universities, if you want to see your event on our webpage, be sure to check out the information below to find out how you can submit an application.
Lastly, we know how tough virtual events have been lately, but regardless, clubs have been putting on some rockin’ events so be sure to check out all the awesome opportunities and make the most of your university experience!!
Lots of Laz Love!

Conferences and Competitions

Internal Events

Are you interested in attending events hosted by clubs that are a part of the Lazaridis Students’ Society? Do you want to immerse yourself in a community of passionate, driven students? Follow the link below to check out some of our previous cases and competitions!

Image of the Inside of the Lazaridis Building facing the stairs coming out of Prism Resources room

External Events

Are you interested in attending events hosted by different universities across Canada? Do you want to experience new opportunities while representing Laurier so proudly? Follow the link below to check out all the amazing external university conferences and competitions that happened in the past!

Image of the inside of Lazaridis School of Business & Economics Building from the Fourth Floor

Subsidy Information

Image of the right side of the Lazaridis Business & Economics Building

The LazSoc Competition Subsidy

The Lazaridis Society recognizes that attending cases or competitions at another University or in a different city carries a financial burden. We want to support our members who would like to represent Laurier at cases and competitions outside of our campus community. Students can request for expenses related to competing in cases and competitions to be subsidized through the applications below.

Indiv. Subsidy Application

Interested in a case competition being offered outside of Laurier? LazSoc will strive to subsidize delegate fees and transportation costs for students whenever possible. Follow the link below to learn more and apply!

Team Subsidy Application

You and your friends Interested in a case competition being offered outside of Laurier? LazSoc will strive to subsidize delegate fees and transportation costs for students whenever possible. Follow the link below to learn more and apply!

Subsidy Policy

LazSoc may subsidize up to 50% of the fees up to $500 for a given conference or competition. Attendee will be responsible for any costs above and beyond the subsidy provided by LazSoc. If the attendee has received any other money from any other organizations, LazSoc may only subsidize up to 50% of the fees up to $500 for the above conference or competition. The maximum subsidy per student is $500 per fiscal year (May 2021 - April 2022). For any students attending international conferences, all dollar amounts are required to be recorded in Canadian dollars.

LazSoc will not cover food and beverage costs of any kind as well as any additional accommodation costs beyond the room itself. LazSoc will subsidize 50% of applicable transportation costs, excluding gasoline which is subsidized at 15¢/km.

Subsidy request forms may not necessarily be approved for funding if LazSoc deems an event does not provide value to Lazaridis Students' and the school community.

While attending the above noted conference or competition, you must conduct yourself in a respectable and appropriate manner that reflects positively on the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics and Wilfrid Laurier University.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Answers