Taking the First Stride: Networking Insights from Xlerate’s First-Year Directors

Taking the First Stride: Networking Insights from Xlerate’s First-Year Directors

Taking the First Stride: Networking Insights from Xlerate’s First-Year Directors

When it comes to networking, the journey can feel a bit daunting—especially as a first-year student. But with the right mindset and preparation, the experience can be both exciting and transformative. This week, I had the privilege of sitting down with Xlerate’s first-year directors to discuss their perspectives on networking, all in anticipation of LazSoc and Xlerate's First Stride Networking Event.

Here’s what they shared about their expectations, nerves, and excitement surrounding this incredible opportunity.

Starting Strong: Why Networking Matters

"Networking is a great way to gain exposure," shared Shaan, Xlerate’s Director of Corporate Relations. "Not just exposure, but the experience of talking to new people and stepping out of your comfort zone." Many of the directors shared similar thoughts, highlighting how these interactions can open doors to new industries and opportunities.

For first-years like Mckenna, Director of Operations at Xlerate, networking isn’t just about making connections—it’s also about exploration. "I’m excited to see what companies I can meet and learn about industries I didn’t know much about before," she explained. Networking events provide a platform to expand horizons and discover career paths that may not have been on your radar.

Shapisha, Director of Marketing Promotions, noted how upper-year students have inspired first-years to value networking. "I feel like I’ve learned from upper-year students how important it is to gain connections—it makes things so much easier. I often ask upper-years about their co-op terms and their networking experiences."

Turning Nerves Into Opportunity

While networking may seem intimidating, Xlerate’s directors are embracing the challenge with enthusiasm. "There are definitely nerves going into an event like this," admitted Keiyon, Director of Operations. "I’m not super experienced in networking, but I think it’s an exciting opportunity."

Karina, Director of Marketing Design, noted that being in first year actually makes the process feel less overwhelming. "Since it’s only my first year, it feels a little less intimidating. I’m more excited than nervous—it’s all about gaining experience and building confidence."

Tanner, Director of Corporate Relations, summarized networking with three key words: "Experience, connection, and confidence." These words reflect what the directors hope to achieve as they join networking events and form connections.

The Power of Advice and Authenticity

One key takeaway shared by Xlerate’s directors is the value of advice from upper-years. "Some advice I’ve received is to put yourself out there and be authentic," shared David, Director of Internal. "Make sure the companies know who you are if you’re trying to get a position in the future, but also ensure they remember you."

Keeping connections alive is equally crucial. "If you want to connect with them on LinkedIn, make sure you stay active," advised Mckenna, Director of Operations. "It shouldn’t be a one-time 'hi' and then nothing else—those ongoing interactions are what keep the connection alive."

Join Us at the First Stride Networking Event

LazSoc and Xlerate invite you to the First Stride Networking Gala, happening on February 5th. This event is designed to connect first-year students with industry professionals.

Special thanks to Xlerate's first-year directors for sharing their thoughts and insights with us today. To hear more from this interview, be sure to check out our feature on @Lazsoc on Instagram!. Let’s take that first stride together—see you there!

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