Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


LazSoc is committed to encouraging and upholding principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within its organization and affiliated clubs. We want to ensure that all students feel supported and represented by LazSoc while we work alongside the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics. We aim to develop equitable leaders, achieve higher levels of diversity representation, and create an inclusive environment.

Our Goals


Create guides, educational material, multi-faith spaces and incentives to guide EDI in the clubs community and beyond.


Run EDI town halls and other events with the student body to spark discussion, engage with the student body and build a safe environment to voice concerns.


Establish relationships with the many organizations and offices at Laurier that offer support for knowledge sharing and mobilization.


This Student Advocacy Form serves to provide a safe and secure place for students to voice opinions, suggestions, concerns, feedback and more.

Find out more information in our Student Resource Toolkit

EDI Roundtables

The Lazsoc EDI committee hosted monthly roundtable discussions with our club to ensure that we ourselves learn the value of EDI in our daily lives  to ensure we have a better understanding before promoting it towards the external community. Over the year, we discussed enlightening topics and challenging views and perspectives,  here is a brief summary of the topics we discussed.

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