Our 23 Clubs & Associations
What is a LazSoc club?
LazSoc clubs are designed to have a further impact on business and economics students and are generally focused on special interests within the business or economics fields.
How do LazSoc clubs differ from other Laurier clubs?
LazSoc clubs receive additional support and funding compared to a regular club based under Students’ Union so they can provide an added level of value to all Laz students.
Why should I join a club?
Where to even begin with this… the clubs’ community is such an amazing way to explore your interests beyond the classroom and allow you to make strong connections to the Lazaridis community. They are a fantastic way to give back to the community that we are all a part of, and they are truly a way to make Laurier feel like your home. You can make some of your closest friends through the clubs’ community, some of our team definitely has.

LazSoc Clubs FAQ
How do I start a club? Can I join more than 1 club? Just some of the few questions answered in the page that follows!